Sunday, October 12, 2008

She is alive !!!!

Ubuntu is born. She doesn't know yet that her name is Ubuntu, and she wan't meet us for some time. But she is there. Our dog is waiting for us.

But I should start from the beginning:

"A" and me decided to get a dog. You might think it is easy to get a dog, but is not. Not for a strong mind sets like ours. "A" knows what he wants and I know what I want, but it wasn't easy to find the breed that matches both.
We've put away our "dog" project for a while, till one day when surfing on the net. There he was, amazing looking Boerboel. (Right! I haven't mention yet, we will get South African Mastiff)
We have never seen dog of that breed before. But really fast there where 100 websites open anything that had with Boerboel to do.

It didn't took much time to realize that this is the breed for both of us.

And then it went fast. We have meet some Boerboel owners and some Boerboels :) We asked, and the more we found out about this breed the more convinced we became that this is dog for us.
Finally we met owners of Anasha Boerboels. We saw Ubuntu's mum and her father.

And now, now she is there. she doesn't know about us - But we know about her :)